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Remembering Rebecca Robinson

Our hearts are heavy - our good friend and sustaining member, Rebecca Robinson passed away yesterday. Rebecca was a dedicated member of Junior League of the Quad Cities serving as our President in 2006-07. During her tenure as President, the “Little Stone House” - which had been our League’s long-time headquarters and home to our gift shop - was sold. The proceeds from that sale created financial security for our League that continues to this day.

Following the sale, Rebecca was committed to successfully transitioning our League to its next chapter. She remained an active League member long after her Presidency ended. She was generous with her time and talent working with many board members to help them orient, train and develop. She consistently volunteered for our I AM Strong Mudventure Race and put her passion into action to recruit and retain members. In 2013, shortly after her diagnosis with ovarian cancer, she led the design and development of a comfort room for use by the at-risk girls residing at the Family Resources Bridge House. Through this League Done-In-A-Day project, the Bridge House girls (ages 12 – 17) were provided a space that would offer comfort during times of stress and anxiety. Rebecca inspired all members of our League to engage in that project and an amazing room transformation was made on a shoestring budget.

Junior League of the Quad Cities and our community were the benefactors of Rebecca’s fierce and dedicated leadership and her exceptional compassion. Her enthusiasm, commitment and friendship will be greatly missed. As her sisters in Junior League, we can honor her memory through our continued service to our community.

Rebecca E. Robinson

December 31, 1967 – February 8, 2018

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 PO Box 1125 | Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 |

Junior League of the Quad Cities is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism,
developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of
trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.

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